The company’s articles of association: |
1. Decree establishing Euskotren881.57 KB
2. First amendment to the Decree establishing Euskotren53.73 KB
3. Second amendment to the Decree establishing Euskotren15.16 KB
4. Third amendment to the Decree establishing Euskotren52.03 KB
5. Fourth amendment to the Decree establishing Euskotren46.19 KB
6. Decree on infrastructure assets134.6 KB
Articles of association (consolidated draf)147.54 KB
Companies: |
RDL 1/2010 Ley de Sociedades de Capital2.65 MB
Transport: |
1. Law 38/2015, on the Railway Sector608.47 KB
2. Regulation of the Railway Sector-RD2387/20041.1 MB
3. Law 16/1987, on Land Transport Management2.27 MB
4. Regulation on Land Transport Management-RD 1211/19906.79 MB
5. Law 9/2013, that amends Law 16/87 on Land Transport Management335.27 KB
6. Law 15/2009, on the Carriage of Goods by Land248.59 KB
7. Law 4/2004, on Passenger Transport by Road-Basque Country228.92 KB
8. European Regulation 1370/2007 on public passenger transport services by rail and by road111.54 KB
9. Regulation on Passenger Transport by Road-Decree 51/2012-Basque Country291.87 KB
10. Regulation on the Operation of Eusko-Trenbideak-Ferrocarriles Vascos S.A. Trams352.9 KB
Contracts: |
1. Law 9/2017, on Public Sector Contracts1.32 MB
2. Law 31/2007, on recruitment procedures in the water, energy, transport and services sectors348.51 KB
Protection of personal data: |
1. REGULATION (EU) 2016-679929.26 KB
2. Organic Law 3/2018 on the Protection of Personal Data587.84 KB
Transparency: |
1. Law 19/2013, of 9 December, on transparency, access to public information and good governance253.43 KB
Other - Environment and sustainability: |
Law 26/2007 on Environmental Responsibility154.94 KB
General Law 3/1998 for the Protection of the Environment in the Basque Country223.55 KB
Other- Equality: |
Law 4/2005 on Equality-Basque Country276.82 KB
Organic Law 3/2007 on the effective equality between men and women807.99 KB